Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) Benefits in Dentistry: A Narrative Review
The herbal plant red clover (Trifolium pratense) includes four phenolic compounds, categorised as phytoestrogens which are a set of isoflavones comprising daidzein, biochanin A, genistein, and formononetin. These compounds are plant-derived and practically equivalent to 17-estradiol. This study reviewed the scientific literature reporting the benefits of red clover as medicament and herbs in the field of dentistry. The PRISMA checklist was used to conduct the systematic review in Web of Science and PubMed which retrieved 197 records. The records related to the benefit of red clover in dentistry were screened, and after removal of duplicates, 46 records were identified, reviewed and incorporated in this study. The Trifolium pratense extracts provide several dental advantages, including increased calcium levels in bones and teeth and decreased bone porosity. It has a wide effect on the gingiva by improving blood flow and enhancing blood circulation. Besides, these compounds can regulate the level of glucose in the blood and lipid markers, assist in improving symptoms from menopause and its hormonal changes, while having acceptable effects as an anti-inflammatory and improving the skin texture. Further, it has tangible effect in increasing the secretion of salivary glands, broad effect in reducing caries and additional beneficial effects as an antioxidant and anticancer with significant effects on the development of most cells. The multiple benefits of Trifolium pratense promote essential and beneficial effects in preserving oral health providing significant effect in treating gingival diseases and dental problems.
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