Recurrent Clear Cell Meningioma of Cauda Equina in a Middle-Aged Gentleman

Nur Asma SAPIAI, Lee King Peng, Zaitun Zakaria, Anani Aila Mat Zain, Emin Turgut Tali


Clear cell meningioma of the cauda equina is an infrequent occurrence. It falls under the Central Nervous System WHO Grade 2, 5th Edition WHO Classification. This type of meningioma is known for its aggressive nature, frequent recurrence, and instances of leptomeningeal metastasis. The radiological findings resemble typical meningioma, but specific indicators of clear cell meningioma include leptomeningeal enhancement, although this feature is not exclusive to it. Therefore, the diagnosis primarily relies on histopathology. Here, we present a case of a 58-year-old local male with a history of laminectomy and excision of clear cell meningioma of the cauda equina.


Clear cell meningioma, cauda equina, laminectomy, meningioma

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